Dr. Chad Paul Millikan is a Nurse Practitioner Specialist in Dakota Dunes, South Dakota. He graduated with honors in 2017. He affiliates with Burgess Health Center. Chad Millikan joined Siouxland Urology in 2017. He is a native of northwest Iowa.
Western Iowa Tech Community College, Associates of Science- Registered Nursing/Nurse
South Dakota State University, Bachelor’s Degree- Registered Nursing/Nurse
Morningside College, Family Practice Nurse/Nursing
American Academy of Nurse Practitioner
Former Certified Nurse Executive (ANCC)
Ethics certification from National Catholics Bioethics Center
Family Nurse Practitioner, Siouxland Urology Associate, P.C.
Mercy Medical Center- Sioux City
-Nurse Manager 2014-2016
-Clinical Nurse Manager 2004-2015