Hospice is a program, not a place. Hospice brings together several services including professional grief counselors and skilled volunteers. Help is available in the comfort of the patient’s home, but it also can be arranged in the hospital or at a nursing home.
Our staff focuses on making the patient as comfortable and pain-free as possible. They also help family members cope with the physical and emotional demands placed on them by providing relief to caregivers who desire a respite. After the patient passes, our staff delivers bereavement support to families during the first year of loss following the death of a loved one.
Candidates for hospice assistance are typically a person with a life-limiting illness with short-term (less than six-month) survival estimate. Common examples of hospice patients are people with illnesses such as cancer, emphysema, and severe heart disease.
Hospice provides medical equipment delivered to your home and covers medications related to the primary illness. Coverage of services can be arranged through a variety of methods including Medicare Part A, Medicaid, and most private insurance policies.
Call 712-423-9265 for more information.